BlackJack (WPGear edition)


Bugs fixed. New features.
zip file
SKU: PL0008 Category:


  • Plugin Directory
  • Author: manojtd
  • Version: 1.8
  • Description: Blackjack is a quick and easy plugin to present an attractive Blackjack game to your readers. It is based on HTML5/jQuery, and the whole game is played on your reader’s browser. Your server is gets no extra load, nor is anything stored in your database.

In the basic version of the card game simulator BlasYak – it has everything you need and nothing is superfluous. Decent approach. But you can make this simulator even more convenient if you add some features that are not even in the PRO version.
So, let’s do it! Rare case when the option of the PRO version, we will not even consider. It is possible that when these options will be really interesting and necessary, it will be possible to do them.


We’ll just add my own stuff and at the same time fix a few little bugs that most likely the authors will correct themselves if not abandoned work on the plugin.

• Additionally, the layout is adapted for mobile phones and tablets.

  • Blackjack. Hi-Score ListBlackjack. Hi-Score List - widget
    In our list of winners will be the top 3 best results. This Hi-Score list will also be displayed in the widget bar.

  • Here is a scenario to reality. Cards are now opened only after the bet is placed and the change rate after the opening of cards is impossible.
    Otherwise, the player can change the bet seeing the balance of performance and, accordingly, was not accurate.

See a working example of a modified plugin Blackjack.


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