Counter Hits

A simple, easy, fast, local, objective counter to visit your site.

It does not use any additional requests to other servers, which means it consumes minimal resources.

Displays the count of all views of any page as a number.
You can customize your own display style. Use class: ‘wpgear_counter_hits’

Just paste Shortcode 2315530 wherever you like and that’s it.
Or you can use calls in PHP scripts code:
echo get_Counter_Hits (0);

As a result, you get: 2315530

If the Counter is installed on a Site that already has certain ratings, then you can adjust the readings using the attribute base. For example: 'Get_Counter_Hits base = "100000"' will add + 100000 offset to the current Counter.

As a result, you get: 2415530
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