Decimal Product Quantity for WooCommerce

Products like: Pizza, Liquid on the filling, Custom weight, etc.

The plugin makes it possible to sell Products as whole or in parts: 0.5 1.5 etc.

For example:

  • Pizza. You can sell 1.5 Pizzas, or a quarter. With the price set for 1 piece.
  • Liquids on tap. For example, Kerosene or Olive oil. You can sell 1.5 liters, with the price set for 1 liter.
  • Bulk materials. For example, Tobacco or Golden Sand. You can sell 0.1 g at a price quoted for 1 g.

= Futured =

* You can set the Minimum product quantity for all Products by default (preset = 1). But at the same time, each Product / Categories can have its own Minimum Quantity value.
* You can set the Step of Changing the quantity of goods for all Products by default (preset = 1). But at the same time, each Product / Categories can have its own value for the Change in Quantity Step.
* You can set the Default – Choice product quantity for all Products by default (preset = 1). But at the same time, each Product / Categories can have its own Default – Choice Quantity value.
* You can set the Maximum product quantity for all Products. But at the same time, each Product / Categories can have its own Maximum Quantity value.
* Auto correction “No valid value” customer enters to nearest valid value.
* Auto correction considering with “Maximum allowed for Product”.
* Column “Quantity” on Products List.
* Update Cart Automatically on Quantity Change (AJAX Cart Update)
* You can set a “Value Label” for each individual Item. Individually or as a whole for the Category. For example: “Price per Meter”, “Price per Liter”.
* It is possible to use Product – JS Object for Ext.Integration: QNT_Data. Function: DPQW_Get_QuantityData (Product_ID).
* Some possibilities are available only in the Pro version.

* Works with WP 6.7.7 (min 5.0)
* Works with WooCommerce v9.6.1 (min v3.4.8)
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