GV Excel-Export

Make realy comfortable, complete export to normal Excel files from GravityView.

GravityView (whatever my attitude towards him) popular tool. But the built-in Export allows to generate only CSV files. For many, this is inconvenient and insufficient, because tedious post-processing of such files is required. The presence of the Cyrillic alphabet in the name of the fields can greatly spoil the mood and desire to do something.

This Plugin is designed to solve this problem.
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Counter Hits

A simple, easy, fast, local, objective counter to visit your site.

It does not use any additional requests to other servers, which means it consumes minimal resources.

Displays the count of all views of any page as a number.
You can customize your own display style. Use class: ‘wpgear_counter_hits’

Just paste Shortcode 2317427 wherever you like and that’s it.
Or you can use calls in PHP scripts code:
echo get_Counter_Hits (0);

As a result, you get: 2317427

If the Counter is installed on a Site that already has certain ratings, then you can adjust the readings using the attribute base. For example: 'Get_Counter_Hits base = "100000"' will add + 100000 offset to the current Counter.

As a result, you get: 2417427
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“Hack-Info” – Free tools (Now, “Hack-Info” – it is a standalone independent complete tool.
Previously, it was like Add-On for “iThemes Security”. But time has shown that it is bad to be dependent on others.. Especially when their DB structure changes.
) to make improve the perception of information about events, which is important to quickly and in detail see and understand. Without the need for unnecessary clicks and conversions. “Hack-Info” notifies the site administrator by providing a detailed list of IP addresses, requests – attempts to scan resources and search for passwords with names.

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New Users Monitor

New Users Monitor” – A freeware plugin that will help you quickly find out that you have already been hacked. This is main task of ‘NUM’. Well, in general, ‘NUM’ will inform about the appearance of a new user in WP. If you are an administrator, then such an event is important to you.

* All new users will be highlighted in red until Admin confirm each of them in User-Profile.

* This plugin has already helped out many times when some of our sites were hacked. But we quickly found out about it. And we were able to fast stop the problem.

* With the active Option: “Deny Login if User is not confirmed”, you will sleep much more peacefully.

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Plugin Notes

This plugin is rarely updated. Yes there is no need. A good tool and it does its job well. And you do not need to do anything to improve it and make it the operating system. Respect to the author, because he understands.
This plugin no PRO version.

But there is a small, annoying problem (about which most people probably do not even know, especially someone on free hosting sites). This plugin makes a lot of error entries in the log file.
And in general it is possible to live with it. But over time, the log file can grow to an enormous size. This somehow affect the system performance.

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