No Active for GravityForms

Displays a message that the Form is not Active, instead of a blank page.

If the GF Form has the “is_active” option = False, then when it is displayed via the Shortcode ‘gravityform’, an empty Page is usually displayed.
Such behavior may cause confusion and questions from Users.
And even the owner of the Site will not always be able to immediately understand what is happening.

Plugin “No Active for GravityForms” displays a normal Message that this Form is not Active.
And everything immediately becomes clear. Everyone is happy. ))


= Futured =
* Works with PHP 7.4
* Works with Gravity Forms versions and higher. Tested up to
* You can change the appearance of the Message through CSS Styles.
Continue reading “No Active for GravityForms”

GV Excel-Export

Make realy comfortable, complete export to normal Excel files from GravityView.

GravityView (whatever my attitude towards him) popular tool. But the built-in Export allows to generate only CSV files. For many, this is inconvenient and insufficient, because tedious post-processing of such files is required. The presence of the Cyrillic alphabet in the name of the fields can greatly spoil the mood and desire to do something.

This Plugin is designed to solve this problem.
Continue reading “GV Excel-Export”

New Users Monitor

New Users Monitor” – A freeware plugin that will help you quickly find out that you have already been hacked. This is main task of ‘NUM’. Well, in general, ‘NUM’ will inform about the appearance of a new user in WP. If you are an administrator, then such an event is important to you.

* All new users will be highlighted in red until Admin confirm each of them in User-Profile.

* This plugin has already helped out many times when some of our sites were hacked. But we quickly found out about it. And we were able to fast stop the problem.

* With the active Option: “Deny Login if User is not confirmed”, you will sleep much more peacefully.

Continue reading “New Users Monitor”

List-Forms for Gravity

The “List-Forms for Gravity” plugin extends the capabilities of the standard Forms-List in the Admin Panel on the “Gravity Forms” & “Gravity View” pages.

A new line with a Description of the Form itself is harmoniously added to each line with the Form, which indicates its Name, ID, Number of Records and Number of Views, as well as an Interactive Control Unit.
This Note – is the “Description” field on the “Settings” page of each GF/GV Form.

It would seem that it would be good for this Description to be initially in a separate Column right after the Title, but if you think carefully, you realize that no – not good. The point is that Names can be long, and Descriptions can be even longer, otherwise they simply don’t make sense. And besides, the same Interactive Control Unit 0n requires a lot of space and takes up half the width of the Form List table.

It is possible that the “Description” field is not used by many. And therefore, the developers did not bother about this. Although, the developers could also make the List Customization option.
But if there are really many Forms, then the Description is simply necessary.

This Plugin gives you this opportunity.

= Futured =
* Fits harmoniously with the usual style of the List of Forms.

Continue reading “List-Forms for Gravity”

Hit Counter Max

Big trouble awaits all who installed this plugin. Now, on your website a huge hole through which specially trained very capable people will be creative with absolutely no demand and without your knowledge.

This is the case when there are malicious code built attractive shell. This bait, which the victim finds itself as it installs itself.

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Plugin Notes

This plugin is rarely updated. Yes there is no need. A good tool and it does its job well. And you do not need to do anything to improve it and make it the operating system. Respect to the author, because he understands.
This plugin no PRO version.

But there is a small, annoying problem (about which most people probably do not even know, especially someone on free hosting sites). This plugin makes a lot of error entries in the log file.
And in general it is possible to live with it. But over time, the log file can grow to an enormous size. This somehow affect the system performance.

Continue reading “Plugin Notes”

Lightbox Plus Colorbox

To improve and complement this plugin is not necessary. Just noticed that during its work on the sites where the primary language is not English, there is a lot of errors in the log file associated with the reference to the translation files. Although it does not affect the performance of the plugin.
But it is worth spending 5 minutes of treatment, especially if your site has many photos, videos and images.

Continue reading “Lightbox Plus Colorbox”